18 December, 2007

Working my ass off

What's new on the home front? Nada. Just working my ass off...and I mean that quite literally. I've lost about 60 pounds since this summer. I think I still look exactly the same, but I have been told the scale doesn't lie. I imagine that is a true statement, I just wonder where all that extra came off of. Some of my pants are a little bit bigger, but other than that I don't really know. Oh, I only have 1.5 chins now! That is the true weight loss test. The diminishing size of the tried and true double chin.

Work is alright...I am on my way to some serious burnout though. I still like my job, I just don't really enjoy the millions of hours. The bank account LOVES them though ;). Nothing like making $500 in overtime when your original check would have been $480. Nice! I started working at the Dollar counter. Before the corporate takeover Dollar was the outcast of airport auto rentals in the Wichita Mid Continent Airport. Situated in the dingy corner of the airport next to the exit this sad little counter is often forgotten about. This is partially due to the fact that NO ONE rents there. Today I had a total of 4 reservations in my 9 hour shift. Talk about a boring day. One thing I can say for sure is that the customers at Dollar sure are nice. I am much more comfortable talking with them than I was conversing with the customers over at the Thrifty counter. Maybe that's because I don't have to compete with Enterprise chit chat. (Awww I miss those guys.) OK, no one wants to hear about work and all that boring stuff. For all I know I am the only one even reading this blog.

Christmas is just around the corner. And I have turned batty. I was totally anti Christmas for the longest time. And then some Christmas spirit bit me in the ass. I have a tree (I decorated Frank (my rubber tree plant, I am sure Katie remembers him) with lights and balls and I have some presents under him. And I bought Phineas an outfit. OK so it's not really an outfit. It's more of a hat. With antlers. He looks soooo damn cute in it. I laughed so hard when I first saw him in it. He just looked so unhappy and sour. Totally cracked me up! I will post pictures sometime soon.

11 December, 2007

(Insert Fun and Amazing Title Here)

I don't have any super exciting news or any funny stories. I just thought I would post an update. I haven't really had much time to do anything fun or exciting. I am a girl on the go. That's all I do....go go go. Working at Thrifty (DTAG) has been keeping much of my time occupied. The Corporate location bought out the franchise and lucky me, I got re-hired. Lot's of changes though. I didn't think the transition was going to be quite this crazy. It certainly has settled down since all the help left. But now we are sort of a skeleton crew. Not too many employees at the moment. We all are working more days and longer hours. Whenever that first paycheck comes it will be some sweet ass cash in the bank. I was pretty sure I wanted to quit after the 1st week that we switched, but now things are alright. I am still stressed out and running around frantically at times. But for the most part I am hanging in there. I was told once in undergrad by a professor that when you are in school you think you just can't get any busier, then you graduate and life hits you smack in the face. I certainly thought that was true. I was under the impression 5 years ago that classes all day was a busy day. Life has officially given me the smack down. It takes a period of adjustment, and I think I am almost there! I still haven't gone grocery shopping in like 3 weeks though. I need to work out the whole balancing of my schedule.

Since September I have been trying to create a wonderful balancing act between Wichita Symphony, Wichita Grand Opera, Wichita Professional Wind Ensemble, maintaining a private studio of 12 students, random gigs and working 40-60 hours a week at Thrifty. I think that officially qualifies a girl as busy don't you?

The best part about all of this is that when I look at my bank account there is actually a positive balance.

I miss my friends though. I haven't had a Wednesday date with Jeff "the Hotness" in weeks. And I don't hardly ever get to go play with Jeffery anymore. I miss my cat too. Phineas got a new bed which he loves. He didn't quite fit into it (you know he is a fat kitty) so I had to modify it to create a wonderful comfort zone for Mr. Phineas Snazzy Fatsu Mc Poopy Pants.

Now I am just rambling and I am sure no one really cares. Anywho, Happy Holidays to all and I wish you all safe travels.