21 November, 2008

Ummm...You Want Me to Put My Body WHERE???

Getting locked out seems to be something I have gotten surprisingly good at the last year and a half. Up to this point I had only locked myself out of my car once. The tally for the most recent year had much more startling figures.

Times locked out:
Car: 4 Times-All were involving me attempting to go to Subway for dinner.
House: 3 Times- 2 of which were not a big deal since the back door was left unlocked partially due to the inability to close it completely in weather above 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The last time I had to call in the troops.

The Re-Enactment

Jeff: "Hahahaha!!! Amanda is so dumb. I can't believe she locked herself out again. And I was just telling Terry about the times I picked her up at Subway 'cuz the girl left her keys in the car."

Amanda: "Sheesh, just be a man and get me into the house."

Kitchen Window: The Only Way In

Jeff: "Hmm. Really. So that's how far the window opens? I'm glad I didn't eat dinner yet, because otherwise there is no way I would fit through that teeny tiny opening."

Amanda: "I would have tried, but my heft would have gotten wedged"

Jeff: "This could be fun. I hope there is scandalous material strewn about the house."

All systems go!!!

Amanda: "Glad I did the dishes."

What a graceful entrance! Are you sure you haven't done this before???

Ahhhh sweet sweet success!

Thanks Jeff for bailing me out again!