On the Menu for Week Two
- Falafels-Egypt
- Fattoush Salad-Lebanon
- Guest star-not representing any country Hummus!
This year I tried my first Falafel and I was hooked. I have made them at home a number of times, but with a quick and easy recipe. This time I decided to go all out and (gasp) use dried chickpeas that I had to soak. I only soaked beans one time before and all I ended up with was what I deemed petrified Rabbit poop chili. Not good. With an expert bean soak-er (Naveen) in my mist I gave it my all. It was a success!
I got this recipe from DedeMed-Mediterranean Cooking. It was a bit more work than my previous Falafel endeavors, but worth it! I also did not pay attention to the amount it serves. We will be eating Falafels forever. Lucky me :)
Hummus was not officially on the Global Kitchen Challenge list this week, but really, who can eat a Falafel without hummus?!?
Hummus was not officially on the Global Kitchen Challenge list this week, but really, who can eat a Falafel without hummus?!?
Amanda's Favorite Hummus Recipe
- 16oz can of Chickpeas
- 1/3 to 1/2 cup of Chickpea juice*
- 3-5 Tbsp Lemon Juice
- 1 1/2 Tbsp Tahini (My measuring in this is pretty lax, I usually just take a table spoon and grab what I can out of the jar with one scoop)
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1/2 tsp salt or garlic salt
- 2 Tbsp oil*
*I use the larger amount of Chickpea juice instead of adding oil to the mixture and it still works out beautifully. You can also add more or less chickpea juice depending on the consistency you are looking for. Lesson Learned: Don't put the juice down the drain until you are done!
(This picture is probably the first time used oil in the recipe and I put it around the side like in restaurants to impress the hubby.)
Lebanese Fattoush Salad
This was delicious- even my salad hating husband liked it!
The lemony, garlicky, mint vinaigrette reminds me of summer.
Again, the recipe is from Dede Med.