07 October, 2014

6 Months! Movin' and a Groovin'

Whew! Who knew being 6 months old was so much work? My days are filled with reading, taste testing new foods and cruising outdoors.

I have been begging Mom and Dad to set up my high chair for weeks. They were finally persuaded and I enjoy not spending all of my time with my face in the carpet.

 Holy crap! What is this? I LOVE ME SOME CEREAL! Mom and Melissa have come up with some tasty creations like mashed banana and sweet potato. Delish!

Fall is in the air and I am ready to enjoy some cool fall afternoons cruising on my trike.

26 September, 2014

Sioux Falls

 Over Labor Day weekend we took a little trip to Sioux Falls SD just to get away from the norm in Omaha.

The park where the falls were was very pretty and the grass was SUPER green.

All in all it was a pretty relaxing weekend with really nowhere to be at a certain time. We just meandered around town.

And took random pictures of mushrooms.

Saw some hot air balloons over the city.

The park had a cool outdoor concert venue that was an old mill of some type. We listened to some of the concert until the elderly ladies in lawn chairs gave me the stink eye for bringing Owen into a hiphop concert.

Sioux Falls has a nice little zoo as well. Nothing like the zoo in Omaha, but it was small enough that we saw most everything without getting hot and crabby.

Some tortoises gettin it on.

I am really hoping that this isn't the permanent exhibit for the giraffes.

Ace Venutra anyone??

23 September, 2014

Shark Attack!

Mom took me swimming for the first time. Of course she couldn't just let me go swimming, she had to dress me up like a shark first. I must admit that my shark suit is comfy.

17 September, 2014

Butterfly Garden

In Sioux Falls we went to the butterfly garden. I could have sat there for hours and just looked at all of the butterflies.

09 September, 2014

Rakhi 2014

Every year Naveen's sister, Nutan, sends us a each a Rakhi. Owen even got one! I know it isn't elegant to quote Wikipedia, but here it is.

Raksha Bandhan in Sanskrit literally means "the tie or knot of protection".[13] It is an ancient Hindu festival that ritually celebrates the love and duty between brothers and their sisters.[3][14] The sister performs a Rakhi ceremony, then prays to express her love and her wish for the well being of her brother; in return, the brother ritually pledges to protect and take care of his sister under all circumstances. It is one of the several occasions in which family ties are affirmed in India.[2]
The festival is also an occasion to celebrate brother-sister like family ties between cousins or distant family members,[15]sometimes between biologically unrelated men and women.[16] To many, the festival transcends biological family, brings together men and women across religions, diverse ethnic groups and ritually emphasizes harmony and love. It is observed in the Hindu calendar month of Śrāvaṇa, and typically falls in August every year.

28 August, 2014


We now own a fish. Because Naveen has a love affair with the movie Napoleon Dynamite our fish is now named Pedro. He is not quite as glamorous as a liger who is  bred for skill and magic but he does seem to possess a certain amount of mystery and intrigue for Phineas.




10 August, 2014

4 Months Old!

Wooohooo! I turned 4 months old on August 1st. What a crazy time it has been. I gained 1.5 pounds since my last Dr. visit and got some more shots. I am still on the small side for babies my age (1st percentile is what the Dr. told me) but I sure do look good. This last month I decided that I was going to roll over. I got tired of the same old view so I kicked and kicked and with a few grunts in there I managed to roll onto my tummy. Score! Once I was there I decided that it wasn't really all that cool so I threw a fit and Mama fixed me.

Everyone keeps saying I look like my Papa. I dunno, but I think I might have a little bit of Mama in me!

29 July, 2014

You Are My Sunshine

Mama sings to me every darn day and it makes me smile even though she isn't very good. Instead of taking some voice lessons she goes and gets a new toy for us…a ukulele! The last thing she needs is something else to work on, but I sure do think it's fun to stick my fingers in it. I think it must be hard to learn a new instrument, sing and hold a wiggly baby like me, but I sure am glad she does because I think I could really add something special to her uninspired strumming patterns.

06 July, 2014

3 Months Old!

I turned 3 months old on July 1st. 
Some of my favorite things are long walks at sunset, potlucks, and shuffle board.
Mom says I am good at rolling onto my side, cooing, and grabbing handfuls of her hair.

Celebrating our 1st Father's Day at Mahoney State Park. I wiggled because I was so hungry and all Mom and Dad wanted to do was take pictures.

Hanging out and crafting with Mom on the Fourth of July. 

I am working on making friends with the big brown dog! Someday I will make friends with the kitty too.

My giraffe protects me as I sleep.

Showing off my new outfit!

I love to be outside!

29 June, 2014

Wild America: The Backyard Edition

Anyone out there remember Wild America with Marty Stouffer? I have some very fond memories of watching this TV show with my grandparents. Each of them in their matching his and hers blue recliners with a TV tray full of cheese and crackers. A martini for Grandpa and a glass of Thunderbird wine for Grandma.

 I found this little guy plopped in our grass early this week. Honestly I thought for sure he was a goner but Momma bird comes to feed him regularly and sure does get mad when someone gets too close. Finding this little guy in my yard sure brought back some good Grandma and Grandpa memories.

13 June, 2014

The Long Minnesota Winter

Everyone knows that it was a long and shitty winter. My mom knit and watched movies because there was nothing else to do for months besides look at all of the damn snow falling day after day and marveling at the below zero temperatures of beautiful northern Minnesota. This little guy (and Red Box) benefited greatly from the hateful weather.

Owen modeling his swaddle pod. It also has a matching hat.

This sweater was not knit this winter, but it was unearthed during this hateful season. It is a sweater that my mom knit for Leif back in the day when he was little and cute ;)

 Blankets to snuggle in.

Mom asked for ideas for a knitting project. She was not interested in finishing the sweaters that she was knitting for penguins. (Really, she was knitting sweaters for penguins that were in oil spills.) I suggested baby legs. It sounded like a simple mindless knitting task. It was her idea to add matching hats.

Hats and sweaters galore!

Owen will never lose his paci now thanks to some pretty awesome frog and elephant clips.