15 March, 2014


OK, so perhaps my latest bout of craftiness is more related to nesting than cabin fever. Or it could possibly be a major bank account altering combination of both....

I am up for at least 2-3 hours in the middle of the night so instead of wandering the halls much like a patient in an Asylum I needed quiet crafts to keep me occupied until I can sleep again. These are my two latest projects from Thursday morning.

Neither one of these projects was planned, I was wandering Hobby Lobby looking for some buttons and $$$ later we have inspiration and a depleted bank account.

Cushion for Rocking Chair

The only things I could think about while making this cushion is that my Grandma would not be pleased that I did not iron my seams and the song Ta Ra Ra Ra Boom De Ay.

The lamp goes from plain Jane....

to fancified!

A lamp has been on my find it list for the baby room since the beginning of time and I could never find one that I really liked or was not ridiculously expensive. So I just covered the shade of a clearance lamp that I found. After finishing this project in 15 minutes flat I wonder why I have never thought of this before.

My corner is nearly complete. The only thing missing is my trademark mess which is soon to come. Now that I come to think of it the mess is there it is just moved out of the way of the picture. Ha I fooled you all into thinking I could keep a flat surface clean! Corner complete.

07 March, 2014

Surviving Cabin Fever

In the midst of snow and cold I have decided to make a new wreath to force some Spring happiness into our home.
I'm not a fan of the bow but I needed to get it done and off of our dining room table so it will just have to do for now.