24 February, 2015

Pastie Party

192. That is how many pasties we made. The meat hand pie variety, not the glittery tassled nipple cover variety. I may be on the more liberal side of things but I don't know that I am ready to go to a party and make nipple covers with friends and family.

I don't know the rules yet but as a parent I think you are supposed to say your kid is amazing and just the best at everything and way ahead of his time. I will go the other direction. Owen is almost 11 months and doesn't crawl. It bothered me for awhile to see all of these younger babies crawling up a storm while mine laid in a writhing heap on the floor. This past weekend he finally did it. Owen crawled. About 5 inches. And he didn't like it. I am fine with that. It was the cutest thing ever!

His crawling form needs some work. It is pretty clear that he would much rather be standing. Owen has also started the hands free standing which scares me to death!

17 February, 2015

Hewlett Packard Makes Me Cry

I am not afraid of the dog, the damn cat, vacuum cleaners, blenders, most loud noises, falling, fruit cake or Joan Rivers.

I am however, terrified of the printer. Mom uses it a lot and sometimes I think she just does it to torture the recycling environmentalist in me.