31 March, 2007

Proud Mama

My last post was Crazy Cat Lady. Now I am going to prove it. I like my cat sooo much that I am going to go off the deep end and post a bunch of pictures. Enjoy!

Bath time with Uncle David.

Yearning to be a basketball star.

Walking outside.

King of the Hill.....or at least my horn case. He enjoys the various styles of Marcus Bonna horn cases so much I think I will e-mail Bonna and see about a cat compartment or side car for my case.

Licking himself dry after his bath time torture.

I told him he could have a pony, he is practicing his riding skills.

Looks like a Vegas Wedding Night.

All tuckered out after playtime.

I know, I know...studying for orals can be grueling and tiresome.

07 March, 2007

Crazy Cat Lady

Kara and I made a pact about 5 years ago and I think I skipped some steps.
1. Graduate College
2. Have fabulous careers and cute little apartments to call our own.
3. Get married and stay married for 20+ years
4. Husbands die tragically young
5. Both relocate to cute little neighborhood with 2 neighboring homes for sale
6. Continue our fabulous lifestyle
7. Get cats 2-3 each
8. Drink tea daily in each others garden/sun porch and gossip about old times

I went straight for step 7 CATS! Alright, so I only have one, but he might have made me into the neighborhood crazy cat lady. Already I am getting questioning glances from the neighbors. But now that I think about it I probably would do the same thing if I saw someone walking a cat down the road with a cute little harness and leash. And besides, what else am I supposed to do when I am pissed that YET ANOTHER lesson has been cancelled.

01 March, 2007

Country Music Back Up Orchestra

Country music back up orchestra? I know it sounds weird, but that's the reason I got to go to Tennessee. When you are my age 14 hours in a car doesn't seem that bad in theory, but when you get right down to the nitty gritty of it your ass crack seals over and your legs forget how to function properly. Even as I sit here in my ganky "chair" typing I think to myself "Hell yeah I'd do it again."

I imagine that the most memorable moment of the trip was not performing in the Smokey Mountain Symphony Orchestra, but rather sitting in the employee parking lot of the Grand Ole Opry Hotel getting up the gumption to sneak in through the back catering entrance. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to bet past the security. It took a lot of persuading and some angry faces from Jeffery before I left the safety of my car but it was worth it. I have never seen such a huge hotel. There were a bunch of shops and rivers and trees and waterfalls in the center atrium. Very cool. And the place was crawling with more rustic types that were there for the Wild Turkey Convention. The bird not the booze!

I got to see where the "Tennessee Tech Trio" went to school and I met Mr. Labar (if you play horn you might be more excited than the rest of you folks reading). After going to Tech Jeffery showed me a waterfall that was 10 minutes away from school. I think that if I went to school so close to such a neat waterfall I wouldn't get any school work done.

Getting this picture was kinda scary. It is even higher than it looks if you can believe that! And the drop is sooooo steep. Yup, it was barfy.

O.K. I know it may not be classy to post such a picture but it was puzzling. What are you supposed to do when you are driving down the Interstate and see a big truck with a thing of sorts on it that says "Do Not Hump."? I just thought it was funny. Very similar to my iPod fiasco and its "failure to mount" syndrome.