07 March, 2007

Crazy Cat Lady

Kara and I made a pact about 5 years ago and I think I skipped some steps.
1. Graduate College
2. Have fabulous careers and cute little apartments to call our own.
3. Get married and stay married for 20+ years
4. Husbands die tragically young
5. Both relocate to cute little neighborhood with 2 neighboring homes for sale
6. Continue our fabulous lifestyle
7. Get cats 2-3 each
8. Drink tea daily in each others garden/sun porch and gossip about old times

I went straight for step 7 CATS! Alright, so I only have one, but he might have made me into the neighborhood crazy cat lady. Already I am getting questioning glances from the neighbors. But now that I think about it I probably would do the same thing if I saw someone walking a cat down the road with a cute little harness and leash. And besides, what else am I supposed to do when I am pissed that YET ANOTHER lesson has been cancelled.


Amanda said...

Yep. That makes 4. I have only played for him 2 times this semester. that means up to this point I have paid $600 per lesson and he isn't even Hermann Fucking Baumann.

Anonymous said...

You need to ask him to reschedule! There is absolutely nothing disrespectful or inappropriate in asking him to make up the lessons he's missed. It's his job, and if he's not going to do it, you should go to the administration and ask for a refund. I don't think you have to worry about his reaction because he knows he owes you lessons, he's just hoping you won't ask for them. It's not you who's been canceling them!!!