Out of what I like to think of as pure boredom I entertained the thought of joining a gym. I even took about 2 minutes to look at some in Wichita on the wonderful World Wide Web (does anyone even call it that anymore or am I dating myself?) I never realized just how dangerous gyms can be. One I checked out online had a consent form that is required, sounds pretty normal I thought. And then I read it.
You should be aware of the possible risk you might encounter by participating in fitness and recreation activities and/or participating in a fitness evaluation. The programs will be centered around activities that include running/jogging/walking, stretching, muscle strengthening and exercise using fitness equipment. (Well, gosh, I certainly hope so. I don't really want to pay $40 a month to go somewhere and watch TV, I can do that at home for free. And there is food at home.)
The most acute risk would be death caused from cardiac failure during exercise. Other medical problems that could result from your participation, but are not limited to: sore muscles, cramping, torn or pulled muscles, sprains, fractures, cartilage or ligament damage to major joint, nausea during exercise, rapid loss of weight and possible loss of appetite.
You may also incur some environmental risk if exercising outside, such as dog bites and traffic /pedestrian accidents. If you participate in water exercise, death from drowning would also be a risk.
Sounds dangerous. I think I will stay home today.
Gosh, don't join a gym. Just have a little drinky and go on a bike ride! That's exercising!!! And completely not dangerous!
I think, after reading about moment #2, that you are really the funniest person I know. I have done something similar, but it was Tenacious D at the school of music (here, not there). I would imagine that you gave the library a lot of enjoyment!
They didn't mention the possible fungus and bacteria you could pick up from the exercise equipment! Yeah, say Mr. dirty ass decides to wear his short shorts on the rowing machine, and then doesn't wipe it down afterwards; you then get on that machine, and after a few "rows" you go to pick your wedgie, brushing your hand against the seat. 15 minutes later, you've worked up a sweat and it's getting in your eyes. You wipe it away and everything's good, until the next morning when you wake up with pinkeye. SUCK!
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