22 November, 2007


I'm going to be blunt here. This Thanksgiving and Holiday season in general sucks. It seems like I have always worked on holiday's. That's not the problem. Now, I just don't have anywhere to go or anyone to spend the holidays with. All my friends are away with their families. And my family is far away. Working holidays doesn't suck quite as bad when you can at least go home to a left over plate of mom's turkey and stuffing. Tonight I will get off of work and go home to a can of Campbells vegetable soup. I tried to think that today is just Thursday. Not Thanksgiving, just a Thursday. It worked for about 5 min. Then I got to work and the whole airport is full of people running to family and laughing and smiling. My counter is not a very happy place. Out of the 6 people I rented cars to today 4 of them were nasty to me. I am used to the bitchy customers and the ones who think the world stops for them. But I am NOT in the mood for crap today. If you give me guff I WILL send you away without a car. Don't think I won't because I already did to a customer. I don't care if you call customer service and tell them that I was not accommodating. That's B.S. and that lady can kiss my ass. I was pleasant and nice to her for the first 15 min. then I lost it and took the keys to my van out of her hand and told her that she should look for a car elsewhere. I know. Bitch, bitch, bitch. That's all I do is complain. Well, deal with it. I'm getting old and bitter. Look out Maxine, I am ready to give you a run for your money.

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