23 May, 2008

Happy New Year!

I don't follow societal generalities when it comes to this holiday anymore. To me the "New Year" is not in January. A new year is when things come to and end and new sprigs of life and interest pop into view. That's why my new year starts in May. No specific day, just a full month of "New Year" celebrations. Why May? My life pretty much starts over every May, and this year is no exception. May is the month that school ends, I graduated, all of my students stop taking lessons for the summer, the symphony season is over, and in short, my life completely changes at this point.


Tiffany said...

You should drink a lot of champagne. Seems like a good reason to me!

Katie said...

HAAAAAPPPPPPPPIIIIEEEEE NEW YEAR!!! I forgot about blogs for a while, and then Tiffany reminded me, and then I realized how much I miss hearing you talk/write, and then I looked here, and then I was excited for you posting something recently, and then I realized my lifelong attachment to commas. So I thought I'd just let you know. MUAH!!!!