13 June, 2014

The Long Minnesota Winter

Everyone knows that it was a long and shitty winter. My mom knit and watched movies because there was nothing else to do for months besides look at all of the damn snow falling day after day and marveling at the below zero temperatures of beautiful northern Minnesota. This little guy (and Red Box) benefited greatly from the hateful weather.

Owen modeling his swaddle pod. It also has a matching hat.

This sweater was not knit this winter, but it was unearthed during this hateful season. It is a sweater that my mom knit for Leif back in the day when he was little and cute ;)

 Blankets to snuggle in.

Mom asked for ideas for a knitting project. She was not interested in finishing the sweaters that she was knitting for penguins. (Really, she was knitting sweaters for penguins that were in oil spills.) I suggested baby legs. It sounded like a simple mindless knitting task. It was her idea to add matching hats.

Hats and sweaters galore!

Owen will never lose his paci now thanks to some pretty awesome frog and elephant clips.


Rebecca said...

omg your mom is amazing. Is the swaddle pod a thing or did she make it up? It is genius and adorable.

Amanda said...

The swaddle pod is a real thing..I think it is really called a sleep sack. But I like swaddle pod :)