09 February, 2011

Canning Craze

For my birthday I asked for canning gear from my parents. Canning fever usually coincides with the following symptoms

The need to cook more than you can possibly eat in a meal or a week of leftovers
An affection for gardening
Planting too much of the good stuff
A pinch of crazy

My canning started off with Onion Jam and Green Tomato salsa... as you can see there was a crap ton of green tomatoes in our garden at the end of the season and I had already exhausted my palate with fried green tomatoes and thus a tasty insanity ensued.

Onion Jam was the first thing on my list of things to can. (How can you turn down a special request from your husband?)


After cutting all the onions that Sam's Club had to offer, reducing a mixture of pure maple syrup and balsamic vinegar for hours I burned the first batch. I was not a happy girl. A project takes all day and I get distracted for 15 minutes and the whole thing goes to pot. It turned into a rock hard burned Frisbee that I could pick out of the pan and probably take to the dog park. I dried my eyes and started cutting more onions.

This is how it is supposed to look. With all the effort that goes into Onion Jam you would hope that a double batch would yield more that 4 little teeny tiny jars.

On a non food related note, we finally got the shelf hung that my grandpa made for my teacups.

1 comment:

nutan yadav said...

what exactly is it? couldn`t understand.have u ever tried onion & tomatoes with little bit of suger in it.if not then do try.it tastes good.