13 April, 2011

10 Random Things About Me

1. I don't have a favorite color. I love them all.

2. Most projects that I start I do not finish...I am working on that.

3. I play Wii in the mornings trying to get all of the coins in Super Mario Bros.

4. My dreams are occasionally in Spanish, but only when I dream in Black and White. Weird. I know.

5. I read all the time.

6. My favorite thing is to see Naveen laugh.

7. I talk to my plants.

8. Compost excites me.

9. I used to be able to do the splits. All the way down. Scratch that. I can STILL do the splits all the way down.

10. I would love to ride a Camel.


Rebecca said...

wow, all the way down? I've got to see this!

Amanda said...

Perhaps I will display my talents at ITG after a trip or two to the bar.

Ma said...

Hey-As you know-I'm into compost too. The worm factory 360 is slowly but surely crankin out the black gold. I think we should set a date for that camel ride........